Full form of ABS [ Anti-lock Braking System ]
Full form of ABS [ Anti-lock Braking System ]
Full form of ABS is Anti-lock
Braking System. This is related to the car's braking system.
What is an Anti-lock Braking System?
Anti-lock Braking System is a device which is connected with the car. When the driver breaks suddenly or in emergency case then Anti-lock Breaking System works by sensing when wheel of the car is about to lock up. At that time ABS reduces and increases the breaking pressure per second multiple time. So that the wheel of car is allowed to moving instead of lock up and the car is moved slowly. The car is saved from skidding in road and accident, and the driver can control the car.
What is the advantage of an Anti-lock Braking System?
ABS helps to maintain the steering control at the time of
breaking in an emergency situation
ABS prevents the skidding chances of the wheel of a car and
reduces the risk of an accident
What is the disadvantage of an Anti-lock Braking System?
Anti-lock braking system device is costly, when it is fitted to a car then the value of the car is increased.
Conclusion: at
last, we can say that an Anti-lock breaking system is important for a car to reduce
the accident chances and increase the safety of the car.
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